
We pay constant attention to our webshop, although we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness there of. For any errors and / or defectives we cannot accept any liability.

TOP Electronics BV provided through its webshop only information about the products and services which it offers itself. TOP Electronics BV accepts no liability concerning the operation of this webshop.

Although TOP Electronics BV does everything in its power to prevent abuse of this webshop we may not be held liable for the information transmitted by users liable over the internet. Any links are provided for informational purposes only. TOP Electronics BV is highly selective with respect to the sites to which it refers.

TOP Electronics BV cannot vouch for failure of these sites, nor for the contents there of. The contents of this webshop may only be used for obtaining information. It is not permitted to reproduce the contents of the site by sending distribute to third parties, without express written approval of TOP-Electronics BV.